Holiday Magazine N°374, The Scottish Issue
For its 374th issue, Holiday magazine chose to focus on Scotland. Irvine Welsh - Trainspotting's author -, stylist Joe McKenna, Stella Tennant, Isabella Cawdor, Jean Campbell or James Robertson are invited in its pages to show and tell their native land, meanwhile writer Tristan Garcia tells about his trip to the Orkney Islands, in a quest for the ideal island. Photographers Karim Sadli and Josh Olins, also went near the Scottish Borders and the Inner Hebrides, in the true lineage of great aesthetical journeys dear to Holiday, pursuing the essence of the Scottish soul and decor.
By their side, artist Leigh Wells showcases her collages in the heart of the magazine but also on its cover.
By their side, artist Leigh Wells showcases her collages in the heart of the magazine but also on its cover.