Holiday Magazine N°382-2, The Buthan Issue
From the ancient pathways of Jerusalem, Holiday Magazine sets off to scale the pristine heights of Bhutan in this new issue. A series of photographs and a film by Hill & Aubrey capture a magical moment featuring Anna Ewers under the Himalayan skies. Mario Sorrenti evokes the spirit of contemporary youth, while Jamie Hawkesworth, Robi Rodriguez, Karim Sadli and Harris Mizrahi all craft their personal take on the peaceful kingdom.
Young French author Oscar Coop-Phane shares his impressions of a voyage to this heavenly paradise, and Clément Bénech chats to Emmanuel Carrère about the art of fiction. Addison Nugent muses on the recipe for national happiness, while Jéromine Savignon spotlights the changing face of Bhutanese fashion. Marie Eugène and François Blet provide insights into two truly Bhutanese concepts, the yeti and phallic worship. Meanwhile, Edie Campbell, the magazine's new roving editor, recounts a strange journey to Yucatán.